At about 0930 this morning, December 31, 2021 I sensed a very strong unction to get alone in the secret place of my prayer closet and to pray.
As I knelt there the Spirit of the Lord came very heavily upon me. I prayed in the Spirit for several minutes and I began hearing the Lord.
He said, “ path of burning embers” so I jotted it down. And continued to pray.
Next this message emerged. He says,” the Lord is calling His ‘called out ones’, His remnant to walk on a path of burning embers, a path of holiness.
The proud and the arrogant who would say, ‘ No problem, I can do that! Just watch me!’
These ones will fall on the burning embers and they will be burned.
God says He is not a God who is to be mocked. Satan fell like lightning so too the proud and arrogant will fall from their positions of perceived honour . The Lord will not share His glory with another. (Luke 10:18)
Those with a pure heart and clean hands will be able to walk on the burning embers. This might hurt and not be pleasant at the time but there will be NO scars, only a renewed strength, resolve and endurance with a greater anointing.
This will be an anointing like they have never known before. It will be a power anointing and will accomplish things not humanly possible, the anointing from the Throne Room. There will be absolutely no question as to where this anointing is coming from. No counterfeit can match this power anointing.
As I went back into prayer, again the Spirit came upon me with power but this time it was to be brutally honest and repent for any and all unforgiveness, bitterness and any pride or arrogance in my own heart no matter how small it might seem. Waves of cleansing and washing came over my heart and flushed debris that could no longer hide in deep recesses, places I did not even realize were there.
In these days now going forward and into this next year 2022 and beyond the people of God are being called higher into holiness and repentance. The Lord then said to me, “This day I am calling you higher - come higher with ME and I will show you things beyond your imagination.” (At this, my quirky humour thought was that this won’t be hard because I don’t think I have a lot of imagination! 😂) but the seriousness of what the Lord was saying quickly took over. Jeremiah 33:3 says, ‘ Call to Me, and I will tell you of great things things beyond what you can imagine, things you could never have known.’ This scripture had been given to me more than 20 years ago by one of my mentors. It vibrated and resonated inside me again now. After being “down the road” a bit farther now in years walking with Him the impact is greater and I have a deeper understanding, it is an answer to prayer from all those years ago. I eagerly await the manifestation of this word on one hand and tremble just a little on the other because of the spiritual responsibility that will be attached to it.
For those who do not answer the call they risk falling into a deeper sleep and deception, a separating of goats and sheep. This time is upon us, even at hand. Do not waste a moment but jump to attention and salute your King. Answer the call and obey the Master and respond with a resounding “YES SIR!”
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